Upload your Design


Quantity Fee: ₦ 17,500.00

Total: ₦ 17,500.00

Nigeria Online Printing accepts the following formats:

Please keep the following in mind:

1. Design with the “bleed” in mind; make sure that important areas of your print product are kept within the safe area. This is to ensure that when your printed products are being trimmed, important information are not trimmed off.

2. Our printers use a 4 colour ink process (CMYK). Please be aware that screen colours (RGB) may appear duller or lacking in contrast when printed. Ensure that your designs are created In CMYK process colours.

3. To get the best out of your print order, submit your works in press-ready formats, keep all your text and important small design elements in vector formats. To keep your text in vector format, we recommend you design like Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign. Do not save your texts as bitmaps as these may result on fuzzy edges.

4. When uploading designs with a mix of bitmap images, vectors and texts, ensure that your images are 300dpi, when saving your works as PDF, make sure you embed your fonts to avoid the fonts changing when we print your order.

5. Make sure you pre-flight your PDFs using the `Adobe PDF/X-1a` preset. This option can be found in Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, CorelDraw and more recent versions of Adobe Photoshop.

6. If are uploading CorelDraw, Photoshop or Illustrator files, please convert all fonts to curves or paths.

7. Make sure your texts are at least 8 pts (very small text may look good on screen but does not print well). Try to keep text in bold colours and mostly in bold colours. When printing lines in a solid or dark colour, make sure they are no thinner than 0.5pt.

To achieve perfect readability, avoid multiple coloured texts