Whenever you want to leave your house, what are your must haves, or the essentials that you can’t do or leave without? Is it your wallet, phones and gadgets? Or maybe its something different. For some it is their shades and wristwatch. What you consider your must have whenever you step out of your home says a lot about you, but if you are an entrepreneur, then you have to include the business card.
you may think ‘’but I have a smart phone and other contact management app on my phone, so why would I need a piece of paper?’’ Yes the digital medium is taking over – we now send electronic mail, communicate digitally, do network digitally, and even have meetings online, but does that mean that the business card is no longer useful?
No. And there are good reasons for that.
The business card remains the most effective and cheapest form of business marketing
Nothing online is rarely as effective as one-on-one communication or meeting someone. It isn’t every time that you meet someone that your digital device is needed. Sometimes, what it takes to seal a network is a shake of hand and an exchange of business cards. A business card, although small, but tangible, can keep you in people’s mind and consciousness for a very long time, and serves as a source of information. If you have made the right first impressions in any meeting, the next logical step would be to give them something tangible to remember you by.
A great business card also links to your online presence. And that is very crucial. Ask yourself, when was the last time you asked for someone’s Twitter or Instagram handle during an official meeting or networking. Neither would you aim to add them all on LinkedIn instantly. Your first instincts would still be to ask for their business cards. And that’s true, even in this digital age. Your business card
It is A part of Branding
Your business cards don’t have to be boring. There are plethoras of designs and ways to make a business card that make it stand out from others in the same room. A business card, believe it or not is an extension of your overall brand, and how people see it would affect the way they perceive your business, and you in particular.
Anytime you go out, make sure you are prepared because you don’t know when the next opportunity would arise. Make sure when that opportunity arises, you have the needed collateral to take the deal to the next level.
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